Arcis Resources Corp (OTCMKTS:ARCS) revealed that it can release an innovative product line consisting of hemp seed coffee pods. The products will have Colombian coffee beans with organic hemp seeds. The ingredients used will result in a full-flavored coffee with no bitter after-taste.
The team informed that products will have Omega 3 acids, known to lowers triglycerides and boost the immune system. The vital Omega 3 acids are required to promote heart health and reduce inflammation. They also promote brain health and are associated with numerous health advantages like protection against auto immune problems, heart disease and bowel disease.
The expert speaks
Chris Margait, the Chief Executive Officer of Arcis, stated that management is extremely excited to venture into growing hemp market. Hemp is not a new name as it has been grown since thousands of years in the nation. It is widely utilized in various industrial and commercial products. The popularity of hemp is increasing which opens tremendous opportunities for company in the coming period.
Arcis is a technology solution provider firm with its operations concentrated on social media, web, software, and mobile applications. The company is known for its work of designing online directory portals for firms that strategically offers growth and revenue. Arcis prime goal is to create a platform for mobile app, web, software, and social media development that will be used for licensing and distribution purpose across world.
The development
A couple of months ago, Arcis Resources Corp (OTCMKTS:ARCS) disclosed that it is designing an innovative app for iPhone as well as Android users. The app will permit pot smokers to upload pictures and send them to friends. There will also be a comment feature in the app.
In last trading session, the stock price of ARCS surged over 28% to close the trading session at $0.00500. The gains came at a share volume of 1.19 million compared to average share volume of 710,033.