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Hemp Inc (OTCMKTS:HEMP) CEO Bruce Perlowin appeared as one of the renowned guest speakers on, popular show “Up Close with Chris Tinney.” The show which was aired on VoiceAmerica has millions of international and domestic listeners. VoiceAmerica is a leader in innovative Web-based talk radio programming.

The highlights

Chris Tinney, the host of show, brought the CEO of Hemp, and President of Hemp Industries Association, Mr. Anndrea Hermann, together to highlight the state of hemp legalization, the role of hemp in changing the world, and how Hemp is helping to educate the people on the benefits of hemp. Mr. Perlowin said that there is significant opportunity in hemp sector, literally millions of opportunities with such a diversified plant.

No one can hold it back. The people in the U.S. are waking up. The CEO of Hemp further added that they have won the war and now the advocates are just negotiating the conditions of surrender. The time will come soon when industrial hemp will be legalized across the U.S. Hemp is in front row and center with its decortication plant in North Carolina prepared to process raw hemp as it becomes legal there.

The future ahead

Mr. Hermann, the other featured guest speaker stated that as of now hemp advocates have only scratched the surface. There are many ways hemp can be used for the betterment of world. The industrial hemp is a diversified crop. Hermann’s organization seeks to educate the people about the exceptional features of hemp products and support the exchange of technology and information between hemp agriculturists, retailers, processors, distributors and manufacturers. The organization maintains and preserves the integrity of hemp items.

In last trading session, the stock price of Hemp Inc (OTCMKTS:HEMP) declined more than 7% to close the trading session at $0.0141. The decline came at a share volume of 11.95 million compared to average share volume of 8.77 million.