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Foxconn, one of Apple Inc’s (NASDAQ: AAPL), recently suspended its operations following a new COVID-19 epidemic in Shenzhen, China. The facility manufactures several products, thus leading to a financial crisis for Apple. Dan Ives, the Wedbush tech analyst, stated that the outbreak is a concern to the company. However, it will be catastrophic if the facility remains closed for more than a week.

The company’s plan b is to ship orders to other facilities across China. However, this temporary solution could cripple its performance by 1% to 2%. In addition, if the facility remains shut down, Apple fears that it will decrease its shares by a considerable fraction. Ives further stated that it is patiently waiting for the government to suppress the new COVID-19 outbreak.

Apple could sell 35 million units of its new iPhone SE by the end of the year

Recently a group of Analysts shared their report on the latest and updated version of the iPhone SE. The analysts further stated that the decision to sell their iPhone at a cheaper rate is lucrative for the company. In response to the launch of the iPhone, the investors believe that Apple could dispose of 35 million units before the year ends.

One of the critics’ features was the screen, stating that the company is required to alter the tired, exasperated design that began in 2017.

Apple recently updated its shareholders on its evolution to developing its processors. In addition, the tech giant recently launched other hardware at this year’s spring event, including the Mac Studio device equipped with an M1 Ultra processor. During the update, Apple also announced its idea for the appearance of its computers, thus producing its first super chip.

iPhone 14 Leaks indicate that the new feature will make the phone more secure

The platform recently acknowledged leaks of the iPhone 14 developments. Due to the leaks, it is clear that the subsequent iPhone releases will be highly secure and effective. Furthermore, display Supply Chain Consultants CEO Ross, Young. Every iPhone’s appearance will be altered within the next 18 months; Apple intends to award iPhone 14 a different design, thus expanding the market’s profit margin into 2023.