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US drugmaker Pfizer Inc. (NYSE:PFE) has that it will begin testing its COVID-19 vaccine BNT162 in the US in partnership with German pharmaceutical company BioNTech.

Pfizer to conduct coronavirus human trials in the US

The company indicated that its first human subjects in the US have already been dosed with BNT162. They had already started human trails of the potential vaccine in German last month. Pfizer is among the companies that are on an expedited schedule to deliver an effective and safe vaccine. If the companies succeed with the tests, then it is possible to have a coronavirus vaccine for use by early September.

Albert Bourla, the CEO and Chairman Pfizer, indicated that with the current clinical trials underway in the US and Europe, the company expects to advance the development of the potential vaccine quickly. He added that the company will work with regulatory authorities to deliver an effective and safe vaccine against COVID-19. Bourla indicated that the short period in which the company has moved from preclinical trials to human studies has been incredible.

Pfizer and BioNTech using mRNA to develop a vaccine

Pfizer and BioNTech have jointly been developing a potential COVID-19 vaccine based on mRNA that carries material to make antibodies. The mRNA is specifically designed to be injected into the body so that the body cells can create a coronavirus protein spike without making someone sick. The mRNA is meant to make the body to produce antibodies that can fight off the coronavirus infections. Most importantly, this tech is advantageous in that it is quick to produce, and it seems to be stable compared to conventional vaccines.

The test trials for the vaccine will be on adults ranging from 18 years to 55 years before the company expands to older groups. Pfizer is targeting to conduct trials in around 360 healthy people. So far, there are no therapies approved to treat coronavirus, and pharmaceutical companies have been racing to deliver a vaccine. US health official has indicated that it is likely to take between 12 months and 18 months to deliver an effective vaccine.