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People with chronic diseases in Ohio now have every reason to smile, after a recent collaboration of Rite Aid Corporation (NYSE:RAD) and Envision RX, ina combination expected to providean available and reliable solution to patients. The collaboration between the company and its subsidiary is a great achievement bringing about the realization of the RX90 program, meant to improve medication adherence and health outcomes among patients.

Already available for EnvisionRX clients, RX90 enables consumers fill a 90-day prescription at any branch of their convenience among almost 4,600 branches countrywide. This program also comes with an advantage of clinical support, disease-specific communications and improved pricing. Jocelyn Conrad, Rite Aid vice president of pharmacy says that this collaboration will bring a positive solution to the consumers to the market to improve patient experience and care through managing healthcare cost load on the patients.

EnvisionRX Option’s chief executive officer Frank Sheehy says that this will also be a great achievement for the plan sponsors, as it will provide a PBM that will enable achievement of flexible, affordable, and controllable medical costs for the chronic diseases patients. Sheehy adds that this plan, together with their technological platform is essential in customizing drug prescription and providing cost-effective information to their consumers.

Feasible information on health plans and customizing of benefit design is now available to EnvisionRX’s employees, thanks to the sufficient research ran by the firm as well as the use of client- specific data to enable catering for the clients individual needs.  This new program will help plan sponsors take control of drug use to curb high medical expenses resulting from patients’ regular visits to physicians and long hospitalization periods.

The two firms are of a substantial influence in the country, with Rite Aid being a wide spread chain store stretching throughout 31 states with impressive records in annual revenues. On the other hand, EnvisionRX hails from EnvisionRxOptions, a healthcare company with a reputable stand from its focus on managing pharmacy benefits.  EnvisionRx prides its outstanding services as Medicare insurance plan, cash savings plan and mail services among others to provide an affordable drug provision to their clients.