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Minerco Resources Inc (OTCMKTS:MINE) has announced the first successful delivery of its functional sparkling water line, Vitamin Fizz. The delivery has been made to Gelson’s markets all over California, through the company’s distributor Avanzar Sales & Distribution. Additionally, Minerco CEO, V. Scott Vanis, has recently written a letter to shareholders, providing an update on the 3Q2015. The most prominent part of the letter was the expression of his desire to get the company listed on a national exchange.

In his letter, Mr. Scott stated that he feels confident about the company’s current course of action and believes that the progress would soon lead to the company being listed on a national exchange. He also revealed that the company has started to return common shares to the treasury. The company has been conducting meetings with financial brokerages and banks to redefine the company share structure and updates would be provided soon.

About the recent delivery of Vitamin Fizz, the CEO stated that Gelson’s Market is known for hosting only premium quality products and the addition of Vitamin Fizz to that list is an honor for his company. Additionally, he also believes that the health conscious consumers would play a vital role in getting the beverages permanently on market shelves across the country. Vitamin Fizz is flavored and refreshing drink, which gives the consumer a boost of vitamins. Additionally, the drink is free of caffeine, has no calories and delivers the recommended daily essential levels of vitamin B-complex to the body.

Minerco has been working to reduce its debts and shifting its operations on renewable energy sources. This means that the company should be able to reduce its operational costs, while maximizing share value. Additionally, Vitamin Fizz has been attracting consumers from the national and international markets alike, which means the company can expect to increase revenues.

Minerco Resources Inc (OTCMKTS:MINE) closed at a share price of $0.0036 at the end of the June 29 session, after trading 27.5 million shares in the market and adding 2.86% to its share value.