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Freeze Tag, Inc. (OTCMKTS:FRZT) made a record-breaking gain during the previous session after it announced its new plans with respect to Apple Watch. The company, which is a renowned developer of mobile social games, said that it will roll out games and entertainment apps, specifically meant for Apple Watch. The announcement received an overwhelming response from the investors, who rushed to amass the stock of the company ahead of the plan implementation.

Game plan

The company’s Craig Holland confirmed that they have made some innovative apps and games for Apple Watch. He added that these games were developed with the intention to cross promote and extend its current bouquet of mobiles games, alongside standalone games and apps. Also, Freeze Tag, Inc. (OTCMKTS:FRZT)’s Holland commented that the wearable technology is at its nascent stage, which may mean a further potential in the space for the company.

IDC report

The company’s venture into wearable technology is an extremely well-planned move as IDC has already projected that smart wearable will rein the market in 2015. As per the analytical firm, the wearable devices will record sale of 25.7 million units in 2015, which is 510% higher than 4.2 million units sold in 2014. The numbers underscore the opportunities available to Freeze Tag, Inc. (OTCMKTS:FRZT). Further, IDC projected that Apple’s Watch will rule the space, claiming 62% of the total market share, which further holds significance for the company. Unlike Apple’s iPad and iPhone, its Watch App Store has limited availability of applications. Hence, the company’s endeavor to list games and app in App Store is perceived as a brilliant move.

The whopping gain in the stock price in itself reflects that investors are confident that there will be many takers for Freeze Tag, Inc. (OTCMKTS:FRZT)’s games and apps for Apple Watch. The company has assured that it will release the details of its plans in the coming weeks. The stock of Freeze Tag, Inc. (OTCMKTS:FRZT) zoomed by 202% to $0.00680, recording an average traded share volume of 1.52 million.

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Steve Kanaval: Portfolio Manager/Writer/ Market Analyst Steve began his career in the Trading Pits in Chicago making markets at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (NYSE:CME) the Chicago Board of Trade and the CBOE in the early 80’s. He ran the Morgan Stanley Derivative Prop Trading for the firm specializing in Index Arbitrage. He continued his career as a Trader/Portfolio Manager for multiple Hedge Funds during the Internet Boom of the 90’s managing large portfolios. Steve is known as an expert in MicroCap Technology Stocks and the emerging Digital Currency markets as a Portfolio Manager for his Family Office. Steve has managed portfolio’s in volatile asset classes for 3 decades as a commodity trader, hedge fund manager and digital currency trader and miner. Steve publishes his views on the asset classes in a public forum and has published more than 10,000 articles simplifying these complex and volatile assets for readers. His work is published on multiple sites including Bloomberg,,, CryptoCurrencyNews as a paid contributor. His work includes research, journalism and archived video on important market volatility related to stocks, digital currency and other volatile misunderstood asset classes. He offers a humorous, unique insight and the related back stories and drivers for readers interested in volatility and emerging market assets. Full disclosure Steve is long 25 digital currencies and sits on the board of multiple public companies involved in digital currencies, and owns shares in these companies from time to time.